I am running vSphere 4.1.
I built a VM and installed Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition.
The VM has 6 GB of RAM (as seen in the edit settings of the VM).
I then installed Oracle 11g Standard One.
I am using DBCA to build a DB from a DBCA template that was saved under Oracle 10g.
The DB build proceed until the Oracle JVM is being installed
Then I get the ora-04030 error (out of memory).
The attached vCenter performance screen shows the VM has only 4 GB of RAM?
BUT, the Windows Task Mgr is showing 6 GB matching the VM settings.
Since this is Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, it looks like the Windows VM is seeing 6 GB, but the vCenter Perf screen is only showing the VM as having 4 GB.
I assume the ora-04030 is because the install is only seeing 4 GB of RAM?
Any suggestion on what is going on?